Lawyers for Human Rights welcomes visa free entry for Zimbabweans
Lawyers for Human Rights welcomes the announcement by the Department of Home Affairs that a new temporary 90 day temporary visa has been introduced for migrants from Zimbabwe. This visa regime will encourage Zimbabweans to travel by regular means between SA and Zimbabwe.
In recent years travel between SA and Zimbabwe has been difficult due to the strict visa conditions which South Africa had previously imposed on Zimbabweans. In addition to this barrier it has also been extremely difficult and expensive for Zimbabweans to apply for a Zimbabwe passport. This meant that many Zimbabweans were forced to travel by irregular means to South Africa. This usually entailed dangerous and difficult travel via the porous border where migrants were at the mercy of smugglers, wild animals and environmental and hazards. This visa-free entry is being offered in addition and as an alternative to the special immigration permit which will be rolled out soon to Zimbabweans from the Department of Home Affairs. This visa free entry should also reduce the pressure on the asylum system.
Contact : Kaajal Ramjathan-Keogh
Head Refugee and Migrant Rights Programme
011- 339 1960